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● The Beauty Of Birds ●

    T h e    B e a u t y   O f    B i r d s  

l a t. A v e s , A v i f a u n a  )

The male indigo bunting is commonly seen as a breeding species and at migration hot spots. In the spring, the Indigo may be present in large flocks, particularly during migratory fallouts, and is often seen in brushy habitat or along weedy margins of fields and roads, where it sits up and twitches its tail. It sometimes hybridizes with the lazuli bunting. Monotypic. Length 5.5".
Call: a dry, metallic pik. Song: a series of sweet, varied phrases, usually paired.

The Guinea Turaco, Tauraco persa, also known as the Green Turaco, is a large turaco, a group of African near-passerines. It is a resident breeder in the forests of tropical West Africa. It lays two eggs in a tree platform nest. These birds, often inconspicuous in the treetops, are 43 cm long, including a long tail. Their plumage is green except for the small but thick red bill and red and white eye patches. They have a green crest.
Green Turaco has a loud cawr-cawr call

Trogons are one of the archetypal birds of the tropics (Johnsgard and Schmitt). They inhabit tropical forests all around the world and are among the most colorful birds in the world displaying intensely colored, often iridescent feathers (de los Monteros). The name “trogon” comes from the Greek word for “gnawer”. The Cuban trogon has multiple names it can go by. In English speaking countries it is commonly known as the Cuban trogon, while in Spanish speaking countries it is referred to as the tocororo or tocoloro.
Call: repeated call, toco-toco-tocoro-tocoro.

The Hooded Warbler is a small migratory songbird that breeds in southernmost Canada and the eastern United States and winters in Central America. On its breeding range, this species inhabits mixed hardwood forests in the north and cypress-gum swamps in the south. The species is considered a “gap specialist” as its habitat, whether in large forest tracts or small fragments, typically includes gap or edge habitat that is preferred by females for nesting.
Calls: Males and females give a loud and metallic-sounding chip during territory defense on the breeding and wintering grounds, though females call more often than males on the breeding grounds.

The violet backed starling is also known as the amethyst starling. This species is highly sexually dimorphic, meaning the male and female starlings are easily told apart. The male has a bright metallic purple head and back, with a bright white chest and stomach. The female in comparison is rather drab, with mainly brown plumage with a white speckled stomach. This species is rather small compared to other starlings.
Male and female starlings use about 10 kinds of calls to communicate about where they are, whether there’s danger around, and how aggressive or agitated they feel. Among these are a purr-like call given as the bird takes flight, and a rattle that starlings make as they join a flock on the ground. Two types of screamlike calls indicate aggression and are often accompanied by flapping wings: one is a chattering call (described as chackerchackerchacker); the other is a high-pitched trill. Starlings also make metallic chip notes to other flock members and when harassing or mobbing predators.


   T H A N K     Y O U    

“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don't.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”



● The Beauty Of Birds ●


● The Beauty Of Birds ●

...time spent doing what you love is never wasted...
