Matthew Willsone's profile

CCW Foundation Diploma

For the project we were given a creature- mine a honeybee, from that we researched facts about our creature and communicate a distinct feature(s).
During this I found out that the worker bees create a special substance called royal jelly, which is also a suppliment. I then decided to create packaging.
Museum of me:
In this short project he had to choose five facts about ourselves, from there our peers chose two for us to communicate. My facts were " I enjoy cycling" and "I spent my summer learning how to use Cinema 4D"
From that i decided to model and animate a olympic cycling trophie.
Three Extraudinary Books:
This is a book that flies.
Three extraudinary books:
A book of arguements- An insult or word related to an arguement has been carved and burned into each page.
Three Extraudinary books:
A light book- I interpreted this one differently, instead of weight i decided to focus on brightness. To do this i cut a hole in a book to place a small light inside.
Three extraudinary books:
A book that floats- Here i cut strips out of a book, frozen in ice then put into a glass of water.
Three extraudinary books: Part 2.
Reinventing the light book- Here I twist the concept of the holy bible with commersialism, making an iPad the new Bible.
Composition with type:
Here are a few samples from over fifty different compositions. "Do you like life?" a quote from Leon.
Composition with imagary & type:
At this point we were told to take photographs that relate to our phrase
(This time it was "Someone's Coming up.... Someone serious!", again from Leon)
And implament our quote into our photo. 
Happily with type:
Here I took the fairytale 'Jack & the beanstalk' and had to condense the story into 6 sentences- One of which was "Giant chases Jack down the beanstalk".
This wasn't my fondest project, looking back it is illegible and needs rethinking.
Happily with type:
At the end of this project i decided to start completely from stratch and just play with existing letterforms. This was a concept I drew up breifly.
Marmite project: Climate change vs unusual weather patterns.
At the start of this two week project we started out with the phrase "time is running out" our first idea was to make something that incorporated an hourglass to represent time- This was a major cliché and we swiftly moved on from this.
'You're on thin ice" was a small idea I had, after the first idea I wanted to make a photomanipulation that would we found as 'striking' to the audience.
"It's rising" came from the concept of the rising sea levels, when I showed this to my tutor- she made a remark about it being rather provokative. So i played on that and piggybacked H&M's new range of underware ( Featuring David Beckham ) by placing the logo on the thigh of the boxer shorts.
The language of time:
Here I have deconstructed a simple clock mechanism and arranged all the peices i collected in letter forms.
CCW Foundation Diploma

CCW Foundation Diploma

The work in this folder is from my time on the Foundation Diploma in art and design at Camberwell college of art (UAL).
