Brand Identity
Logo and product label
Category: Branding (2010)
Objective: To create the logo and labels for a boat cleaning and detailing product line

For this project the client and I worked on determining the target audience in order to design the logo and overall brand image for the company "Performance Boat Candy".  I decided on the typography and color schemes for the logo and product labels.  I provided knowledge to the CEO of the company in order to determine the most appropriate and efficient product packaging (bottle).  I was also responsible for the design, organization, presentation and composition of the product logo and labels.
Logo design with different variations (black and white, white on background color, 1 spot color, gradient version).
Finalized Product Shot.
Front label artwork (silver gradient is meant to be a representation of the silver foil actually produced).
Back label artwork.
Brand Identity

Brand Identity

Logo and product label design


Creative Fields