In 2018, the Rotary Club embarked on a mission to spread menstrual awareness in rural Indian villages. The statistics they shared about the environmental and hygiene consequences of plastic pads deeply impacted me. This passion fueled my decision to join their team as a graphic designer. I played a key role in crafting engaging zines and posters to raise awareness about the harmful effects of readily available, low-cost period products in India.
Concept 1: Leveraging the Social Media Buzz

The #FromWhereIStand trend captivated social media in 2017, encouraging users worldwide to share their perspectives. I saw an opportunity to harness this trend for our campaign. I created a compelling GIF highlighting the state of landfills in just 50 years if current practices  of using plastic menstrual products continue.
Red Revolution

Red Revolution

when the rotary club took the initiative to create awareness, I volunteered to help give this project a visual identity.
