XL X's profile

Lamborghini Aventador

I made a three-dimensional model of the interior of the Lamborghini Aventador. In the early days of production, I found an Aventador sports car to shoot the necessary materials! I measured the specific dimensions of all the structures inside it, and took detailed pictures of all the structures to ensure that the 3D model will not have much difference with the actual shape after the production is completed! The entire 3D model was created in ten days, and I am going to complete all the parts by myself! Of course, it may still have some small flaws, I hope to make a more perfect model! I hope that you can like my work as always!
I want to apologize to the Lamborghini Aventador owner, because the car seat is all my footprints. . Haha!
Here is a panoramic view of the entire Lamborghini interior: https://720yun.com/t/934jOswfzn5?scene_id=2976622
Lamborghini Aventador

Lamborghini Aventador
