"Ranma 1/2" tribute for the collective zine "Ranmazine"

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" tribute for the "Eva Impact Exihibit" curated by Ivan Ricci Kawaii Style and Distopia Evangelion

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)
"Utena : la fillette revolutionaire" tribute for the "Take my revolution! Exihibit" curated by Ivan Ricci Kawaii Style and Distopia Evangelion

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)
"Final Fantasy VIII" tribute for the Final Fantasy 30th anniversary charity fanzine : Lux Itineris

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)
"Final Fantasy VII" tribute for the Final Fantasy 30th anniversary charity fanzine : Lux Itineris

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)
"Final Fantasy VIII" tribute for the Final Fantasy 30th anniversary charity fanzine : Lux Itineris

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)
"Journey" game tribute

(all characters belongs to their respective authors)

