Sammantha Johnson's profile

Cash Management App Design

Challenges After College
78% of American workers live paycheck to paycheck and 40% can’t cover a $400 emergency. Even though people plan to save, it’s harder to save with an average $350 student loan monthly payment. This leads to home-buying delay due to high student loan debt. 

Customers tend to be disconnected from the in-store banking experience and money management tools across generations—making less branch visits and infrequent use of online account spending reports.

Debt Control
With student loans and credit card debt increasing, borrowers are inundated with high monthly payments, credit score vulnerability and cash draining bills. There is no financial management tool that better predicts available cash and forecasts future monthly cash views to provide relief and control.
And with the cost of college attendance absurdly rising, more people are pushing off milestones that initially inspired them to enter college. 
It's time to regain control.
Mindful Budgeting is designed to keep your budget in check. It’s better to orchestrate life in confidence than feel financially paralyzed. The daily cash flow budgets and forecasts daily and weekly available spend so you can live life in control.
Why it's easy.
Bypass entering expenses, we've partnered with a financial API source to securely manage bank transaction information so you can better enjoy life with less fomo. The lighter the burden, the more life you get to experience.
Fundraising Need: $6,000 — App Development 
Mini-Giving Available ($100, $500, $1,000)

Workspace Need — Accommodating 2-3 Individuals

Go Live Date: Summer 2020 in the Apple App Store
Company Identification: C Corp

Thank you for reaching out for more information.​​​​​​​
Phone: 770-799-6921
Cash Management App Design

Cash Management App Design
