Latif Ghouali's profile

From the Moon to Mars: Celebrating Apollo’s 50th Annive

From the Moon to Mars: Celebrating Apollo’s 50th Anniversary Challenge
Hi, everyone, This is my submission for challenge organized by  Nasa / Adobe / Artstation for the From the Moon to Mars: Celebrating Apollo’s 50th Anniversary, I was not one of the luckiest winners, but at least I'm  glad to be highlighted for being one of The top Adobe favorites list.

As required by the Challenge rules, i rendered everything inside Adobe Dimension, all the rest involved, Max, substance painter, Quixel Mixer, Z brush and Photoshop for the final Composite, all at 5k Rez  

The story behind from Mission Log files  :
LOG 15 :
Officer Ryan Ghouali, chief Mars Module Pilot.
Its been 28 years now since we started our first colony in Mars territory B6,
After 1 year and 28 days of exploration under our mission Omega X and as we were heading back to colony B6 headquarter due to the lack of oxygen and energy supply, we came across two giant solid objects in the horizon with an unusual shape, at first glance we thought this just a part of the mars relief landscape but as we got closer to their location, something unusual happened, a blooming green lights lit all over those gigantic and massive pyramids shaped objects...until we arrived at their exact locations, one of them started elevating  in a vertical motion until it completely left the ground and flew through the sky, while the other one just lit and followed the same behavior when two members of our crew team called division Omega X4 got really closer...
What were these ? a self-flying spaceships shaped as pyramids ? or maybe piloted by someone inside who doesn't bother to establish a direct contact? it seems we just met with the first signs of intelligent species in the history of humanity ! after all the astonishment that followed these unusual events faded away, we all just came to the conclusion that we have just witnessed our first contact with an advanced alien civilization in Mars...Yes, We are Not Alone!
Thanks for Adobe, NASA, Artstation for bringing such an interesting challenge...
Thanks to all for the likes and comments...

You can see all the details regarding the challenge here.

All work and progress can be found here.
Here is an earlier alternate version from the work and progress that does not involve the astronaut but which i find more interesting as a final composition, the addition of him was mainly to reinforce the NASA exploration feel to fit more into the Challenge .
Early Pyramid modeling / design / Rendered with Arnold !
From the Moon to Mars: Celebrating Apollo’s 50th Annive

From the Moon to Mars: Celebrating Apollo’s 50th Annive

From the Moon to Mars: Celebrating Apollo’s 50th Anniversary Challenge
