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Digital Illustration | Clint Eastwood Movie Posters

Clint Eastwood Movie Posters
Clint Eastwood is known for many movie roles, but he is best known for his roles in the movie “Dollars Trilogy,” also known as “The Man with No Name Trilogy,” directed by Sergio Leone. Like Clint Eastwood, Leone is known for his part in the Spaghetti Westerns of the 1960s. The Dollars Trilogy consists of three movies “For a Few Dollars More,” “A Fistful of Dollars,” and “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” The Pop Art Era of the mid to late 1950s is the inspiration behind these movie posters. Their simplistic design help in defining specific icon scene from their movies. The posters feature a scene from each film to deliver the look and feel of the movies.

The color throughout the poster’s design represents the common colors that one might find in these Spaghetti Western Movies. Spade is a thick-weight Slab serif font is for headlines and titles for excellent visual hierarchy. It accomplishes hierarchy thorough its boldness and thick thickness to help stand out against the other information in the movie posters. All body copy is Helvetica to back all the credits easy to read. The Poster are fully illustrated in Adobe Illustrator with the blob brush and various other brushes. The posters were first illustrated on paper in thumbnail sketches than transfer for their initial version on the computer. Each poster can stand on their own just like the movies themselves as well as together.
Color & Type Study
Inital Versions
Second Version
Third Versions
Final Version
Digital Illustration | Clint Eastwood Movie Posters


Digital Illustration | Clint Eastwood Movie Posters


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