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Can’t sleep at night?

Tips to regulate sleep patterns

Disturbed sleep pattern has become a very common issue that effects huge population. Various factors cause this problem. We are blessed with internal biological clocks that ensures that we sleep on right time and wake-up exactly when the day starts.

This modern life style has increased the stimulus in our lives. Increased activity rate and living unnatural life styles are the root cause of disrupted sleep cycles.
In this article, you will find a few basic tips that you can adopt to regulate your sleep patterns.

Wake-up early
The first step is to wake up early. Yes, you need to start your day on time to finish it on time. The first step is the hardest, but this will make a huge difference in your sleep cycle.

Make yourself tired

Many of us can’t sleep due to a lack of physical activity in the whole day. You will sleep better if your body is tired. So incorporate some physical activity in your life. It can be based on doing house chores to the exercise and jogging.
Check your stress levels and hormones
Hormonal issues are one of the major cause of stress and sleep deprivation. Stress and depression are the issues that can be a result of various life circumstances. It is essential for you to identify the causes so that you can eliminate hem. Talk to your doctor to solve these problems.

Darkness is better

Don’t sleep with the light on. Make sure that your sleep in the darkness in a comfortable, noise-free environment.

Stop snoozing

Buy alarm clock instead of using the phone. And just put one alarm on. And when it rings, don’t hit the snooze button, just wake-up.

Incorporate sleep yoga

Sleep yoga is very effective to combat insomnia. If you suffer from irregularities or uncomfortable sleep, then still you can sleep yoga. Search on the internet and make sure you do it before sleeping.

Lie down early and leave the buzz

This tip is extremely important. Make time for sleep and lie down early. Yes even if you can’t sleep for the next two hours.

Most importantly leave the buzz when you go to bed, this includes, your phone, iPod and laptop. Light coming from these devices send the wrong signal to your internal sleep clock and disrupts it.

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Can’t sleep at night?

Can’t sleep at night?


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