Light pollution                                     01 

In order to protect the night from artificial lighting, we took the title 
Deep Night Guide and designed a book that contains influences of light pollution.

Modern people's nights are also a day extension. Even in the middle of the night, artificial lighting brightened up 
the office and the outdoor streets. Therefore, the nights when you can sleep, rest, and dream are getting shorter.

Not only that, but also because of artificial lighting, star view is no longer possible in the city. 
It became an event that can be seen only on the stage of the deep valley. Why did this happen? 

The reason is that the excess use of artificial lighting called light pollution has a detrimental effect on humans and the ecosystem. Light pollution is mainly caused by inappropriate lighting. 
In the event of heavy leakage lighting, the night sky becomes brighter and affects the ecosystem.

A graphic showing the concept map of light pollution was worked to make it easier 
to see the basic concepts before reading.

Thank you !

Light pollution

Light pollution

in order to protect the night from artificial lighting, we took the title Deep Night Guide and designed a book that contains influences of light Read More
