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Guoyuan-Auspicious China 国缘 吉祥中国

Guoyuan-Auspicious China
国缘 吉祥中国系列产品
Guoyuan-Auspicious China, this series of products selected three Chinese idioms-"As old as crane”, “Carp leaps through the dragon’s gate(meaning success)”, “A golden future” as inspiration. Crane, carp, Hare each represents people's good hope and yearning for longevity, promotion, as well as success.

The design chose a variety of bright colors: Turquoise has the meaning of “safety and health”; joyous China red, symbolizes success; elegant Kumquat, stands for wealth, giving people a certain visual image of comfortability and warmth. By using a special type of paper, the outer packaging has boldly employed the shape of Chinese traditional lanterns as a symbol of reunion, and it also can be used twice for environmental protection at the same time.

The overall design of this serious of products has amazingly rich traditional Chinese style. By adopting different auspicious elements from Chinese culture, the products present people a good, harmonious and beautiful China.

Guoyuan-Auspicious China  won the 2018 German IF Design Award and the 2017 Red Dot Award Best Of The Best.


国缘 吉祥中国系列产品选用“松鹤延年、鱼跃龙门、前途似锦”三个吉祥主题进行创意设计,松鹤、鲤鱼、玉兔分别代表着人们对健康长寿、地位高升、事业成功的美好希冀与向往。设计上大胆选用多种明快鲜艳的色彩,松石绿稳健久远,是安康的色彩表达;中国红喜庆欢快,是成功的色彩表达;金橘黄富贵典雅,是财富的色彩表达,视觉形象传达舒适而又温暖。外包装用特种纸设计成一个象征团圆喜庆的中国传统灯笼,同时可以二次利用,环保自然。产品整体设计具有浓郁的中国风,用各种不同的吉祥元素展示了一个吉祥和谐的美好中国。

国缘 吉祥中国 荣获2018年德国IF设计奖、2017年红点至尊奖。
OCD 甲古文创意
Wechat Public Account:ocdwe2006
Cell Phone:+86 15889498089
Address :Oracle creative mansion,Shekou harbour road 18th,Nanshan district Shenzhen China

Guoyuan-Auspicious China 国缘 吉祥中国

Guoyuan-Auspicious China 国缘 吉祥中国

Guoyuan-Auspicious China 国缘 吉祥中国系列产品
