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Febreze Car: Imagined by OUTFRONT Studios

Fragrance Visualized
These designs were part of a pitch to P&G's Febreze Car air freshener line. The concept was show how the air freshener transforms a vehicle with the different fragrances that Febreze has to offer. 

The two designs presented were for their Fresh-Cut Pine and Hawaiian Aloha scents. With each design, the fragrance is physically shown coming out of the air vents. A pine forrest or the tropics of Hawaii are shown bursting forth giving the visual of where you might would rather be instead of sitting in traffic. 
Fresh-Cut Pine
Hawaiian Aloha
Febreze Car: Imagined by OUTFRONT Studios

Febreze Car: Imagined by OUTFRONT Studios

OUTFRONT Studios presented these imagined advertising designs for P&G's Febreze.
