What inspires me... in fashion? Mountains and architecture. Is that odd? Many people can get their inspirations from anything. My just so happens to be these two things. I never thought that I was inspired by mountains and architecture until a few weeks ago. I had a problem not knowing, but then I came across them and realized that this is why I love to create. Mountains relax me. It helps me calm down and think outside of the box. It inspires me by the way all the rocks overlap one another. They also inspire me when the seasons change and the snow sits on top of certain areas and grass grows in between the cracks. In fashion, this helps me thing about the materials that can be used on fabrics in different ways and it still turn out beautifully. Architecture inspires me with its design elements. I think of the shape, the size, the design, the symmetry (if there is any). I think about fashion more as architectural with sharp edges and emphasized structures. 

