Giovanna Theme's profile

SPD Competition Entry - Urban Gardening

These double page spreads were my entry into the Society for Publication Designers' 2018 Student competition under the "news" category. The competition required students to produce two spreads showcasing an interview with someone (real or fictional).
I chose to use an interview with a young entrepreneur called, Devon Wilson. He was interviewed to discuss his efforts to promote urban gardening in underprivileged communities, and to raise awareness of the health benefits of associated with this practise. The spreads were designed with the concepts of "urban" and "gardening" in mind, hence the grey rectangular shapes to represent buildings in a city block, and type elements in green to symbolise the gardening efforts in city centres. 
Original interview taken from:
SPD Competition Entry - Urban Gardening


SPD Competition Entry - Urban Gardening

These double page spreads were my entry into the Society for Publication Designers' 2018 Student competition under the "news" category. The compe Read More
