Jirago characters. In a world where kaiju are the dominant species of Earth, young monsters are taught the ways of combat and city destruction. As with any mainstream kaiju, the characters of Jirago are made to be unique, fun, and badass.
Gizmordelf. When an angel falls from Heaven, it becomes a devil, and when a cherub falls from Heaven, it becomes a... uh... "Izmordelf." Izmordelves are the worst creatures on our planet Earth and Gizmordelf is the worst of them. The magic he possesses is not unlike an eldritch horror using its powers to entertain at a kids birthday party.
Miscellaneous. It may show through these designs that I am a huge sucker for strong silhouettes. Experimenting with other styles is also a given - I'll jump at any opportunity to try something new.
Character Design

Character Design

Like Pegasus from the beheaded Medusa, ideas for characters quite often spring from my imagination. I am lucky to have the means and abilities to Read More


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