book illustration

Illustrations for the book "Repaint the Future!" by Sustainia - a guide to a more sustainable tomorrow. It takes the 17 UN development goals and turn them into 10 mindset shifts. Sustainia is an international sustainability think tank. Their goal is to turn risk into opportunities and they are one of the top providers of sustainable solutions.

Client: Sustainia
mindset no. 5 - turn fragmentation into engaging stories
mindset no. 4 - turn alienation into inclusion
mindset no. 10 - turn restlessness into commitment
mindset no. 6 - turn post-truth into new enlightenment
mindset no. 1 - turn trust into fear
mindset no. 9 - turn linear innovation into exponential innovation
mindset no. 3 - turn apathy into empowerment
mindset no. 9 - turn profit for profit into profit for life
cover of the book - a play on Edvard Munch painting "The Scream" - trying to convey the overall thinking of turning something negative into something positive, a solution - hence leading back to the mantra of Sustainia: "turn risk into opportunities".
Repaint the Future!

Repaint the Future!


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