Corresponding to the world of forms is our world, that of the shadows, an imitation of the real one. Just as shadows exist only because of the light, our world exists as, the offspring of the Good. Good is a principle and a standard - the offspring of people, organizations and nations with which everyone fulfills the need of expression and representation (reflection). Good is a priority that we must reflect in our work, through a vision of Good future, through our senses of nature, people, culture, history, and most importantly art, which is the heart of projecting science and technology into that future.
The cornerstone (or foundation stone or setting stone) is the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, it is important and has a symbolic meaning since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure. If we always choose to set with Good in all aspects, we will have a structure that could uphold time and form other Good structures around itself and in this way shape a body of fundamental principles and established precedents according to which we learn to create in the forms of truth.
Good Logo

Good Logo

Logo Based on Plato's Theory of Forms
