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What is Best 4k TV

What Is 4 K Tv
What is 4 k tv. A full guide to select Best 4k tv -.The television has come a long way since its inception in the early 1920s by the inventor John Logie Baird. We’re in the new millennium now, and almost a century has passed since. And we have made some major leaps on how we view television, both in experience and technology.Right from cathode ray tubes (known as CRTs) to TFT monitors, we have now arrived at 4K screens. Television has grown in both in the viewing experience it offers to the space it takes in the living room. Gone are the days when it would sit, idiot-box like, in a corner, and a family of four would sit in front it, beating it intermittently to switch a couple of channels. We have streaming media at our fingertips now, and televisions as big as a minor cinema hall

4K technology is the latest high-resolution format to be available on the market. It is an improvement to the 1080p high-resolution format which is the format that standard full definition television screens support. As the name suggests, the 4K has four times as many pixels as the standard full HD 1080p screens. That means four times the clarity of the image on display on the screen. The 4K or Ultra HD, as it is also referred to, has a total resolution of 3840 by 2160 pixels this is a huge improvement from the full HD which has a total resolution of only 1920 by 1080 pixels.
For you to experience the full 4K experience you will not only need a 4K screen but also the content being viewed should be in Ultra high definition format.Many new movies if not all are being streamed online on platforms like Netflix that have embraced the new technology. Many new games are also being created in that format, the two biggest gaming platforms i.e Xbox and Play station 4 both support this high-resolution format and the difference in the gaming experience is astounding.
What makes 4K screens so much better is not just the greater quality, but also the technologies that come along with it. For example, the High Dynamic Range feature. This feature is compatible with 4K resolution television screens. There are different types of television screens that now support the 4K resolution format. The different types are, LCD, LED, OLED and QLED technologies. Each type of screen is different and has their own advantage over the other but they all provide the full experience of Ultra High definition 4K display.
Most 4K TVs out there are either LCD which stands for liquid crystal display or LED( light emitting diode). LCD screens are easily available and come as small as a few inches for mobile devices. The bright screen offers quality viewing especially indoors because of the decrease in brightness when exposed to sunlight. LED displays, on the other hand, are very much cheaper to buy and maintain for it uses much less power compared to the Liquid crystal display.
OLED is an acronym of Organic Light Emitting Diode. This technology allows each individual pixel to adjust its luminosity creating a beautiful contrast between bright and dark spots in the image. This makes the picture extremely realistic and of high quality. The Organic Light Emitting Diode screens are the best choice for the maximum viewing experience and for the best price too. QLED technology which is an acronym of Quantum Light Emitting Diode has a layer of reactive nanoparticles that filter the light to create a more saturated pure light for the optimum viewing experience.
To fully experience the 4K Ultra High definition set, you will need to make sure of two things, first that you are watching 4K content, which means that the movie is in 4K resolution. Watching a 1080p movie on a 4K Ultra High definition screen will not make any difference as watching it on a 1080p full definition screen. The other condition is being close enough to the screen. This is because past a certain distance, the eye can longer catch every single pixel produced by the screen. A set viewing distance is provided depending on the size of your monitor.
With that knowledge, it is now up to you to choose the best 4K television screen for you. The biggest factor to look at when considering which brand of TVs to  buy, is quality. The biggest names in providing quality products are brands like Samsung and Sony. Panasonic and LG also provide great TV sets. Be sure to ask for the 4K Ultra High Definition TV. Enjoy the ultimate viewing experience.

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
What is the Best 4k tv -As the name itself suggests, LCDs use the light modulating properties of liquid crystals, using backlight or reflector to display colored images instead of in monochrome. An LCD screen is more energy efficient, compact, light, and is disposable, as compared to the old, bulky CRT monitors. It also emits little to no electromagnetic radiation.

LED screens – Light Emitting Diode
What is Best 4k tv -LED screens are five steps ahead of LCD screens. The display panel is an array of Light-emitting diodes which are used as pixels for video display. Thus, the image quality is vastly superior to that of the LCD.  more details….
What is Best 4k TV

What is Best 4k TV
