Akshay V. S's profile

Creatuanary 2018

Day 1 - Jackalope
Jackalope variation

This one's based on the Shope Papilloma virus which caused horn and antler-like tumors to grow in various places on a rabbit's head and body. Researchers suggest at least some of the tales of horned hares must have been inspired by sightings of these.
Day 2 - Nian

The Nian is a Chinese mythological creature known to have terrorized and ate entire villages of ancient primordial China. It was an immensely large beast beast reputedly endowed with a vast jaw, massive horns that it used to skew the children, enormous tail and an unnatural appearance with the frame of a bull and the snarling head of a lion.

Because of the atrocities committed by Nian, the Jade Emperor compelled it to be confined to it's dreary mountain most of the time but there existed a loophole that the Nian exploited. Every year as winter begun to recede, it was permitted to roam as it pleased whereupon it would come down to the villages and devour anyone unfortunate to stray into its path.

Once, when all the villagers upon knowing that their village lay in the Nian's warpath, were busy evacuating their homes, an old man walked into their midst. He asked them what's all the commotion but none took him seriously nor answered him except for an old lady. She warned him of the impending danger and asked him to come with them. But he politely refused and said he'd drive away the Nian if he was allowed to stay in the old lady's hut for the night. And so he stayed while everyone else evacuated. When the Nian came, it noticed the only hut that had human presence and went straight for it. But there came loud thundering noise from inside and the old man now dressed in red robe stepped outside to face the Nian. Turns out loud noises and red color are its weakness! And thus began the Chinese tradition of decorating the lanterns and walls with red strips and setting of firecrackers every coming spring.

Creatuanary 2018

Creatuanary 2018

A couple of sketches from Creatuanary 2018
