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Whole Brand Identity project. Suxxar Friendship.

This video was made of Efe Publicidade,the design agency I was working at when I developed the Suxxar Friendship creative project.
Telling the story about the project.

After lots of brainstorming and research, I went to the store sometimes to understand better the Suxxar store's new concept. There, I could talk to the workers, shop attendants and see the architectural elements used to communicate Suxxar Store Moments:

To prepare
To cook
To celebrate
To organize
Home appliances

Below you can see some icons that represent the Architectural elements for the Suxxar store. I took some pictures when I went to the store to get some references for the creative process.

The pattern you see on the background is a simple illustration I developed using the real pattern created by the architect for this project. One single frame is an " X", from Suxxar.
Based on all these information, I understood that Suxxar were building a friendly, cool, contemporary and warm customer experience, because of:

1- The physical organization inside the store, made through different architectural elements. This organization made it easier and faster for the customer to walk throughout the store and find what they needed to buy.
You can see the Architectural project for Suxxar Friendship Store on this link.

2-The charming kitchen available to customers, their friends and family. Suxxar could be their home for a few hours, anytime they want to.

So that's why the " Friendship" concept came to my mind and looked like the right one to be the core idea for the creative concept.
This picture communicates the Suxxar Friendship mood. Cool people having dinner with friends, in Suxxar store's space, specially scheduled for them. 

Cooking dinner, lunch, brunch, small cocktails in the equipped kitchen brings them together and builds a stronger connection between brand and people.
Designing the first sketches for the logo, I thought about using general household cooking supplies and fancy foods to build the letters. 
Through project development, the customer asked me to keep this main idea, but using Suxxar products instead of general ones.
It was quite fun doing it since they sent me about 360 CDs with literally hundreds of stunning pictures of Suxxar products.​​​​​​​

The MMs candies on the " R" letter bellow were placed individually, to get a better balance between colors.

Here you can see some details of the design for each Suxxar Friendship's letter. I also built an entire alphabet.

After the “ Suxxar Friendship” creative concept and logo approval, we-my colleagues and I, like copywriters, graphic producers, and key account managers-started working on the next steps for the project.
The video above is about a conversation between the Suxxar Store Marketing Manager and the graffiti artist. They were discussing details about the graffiti art on the fence, as you can see below.
The Graffitis
An extremely talented artist recreated with all the details the Suxxar Friendship logo on the siding, since the Store was being built at that time. Quite an amazing job!

Press Kit
For the press kit, the idea was to develop a “ Menu of Suxxar Products”, like a restaurant Menu. 
I wanted to do it big, about 40 cm high, but it was a little difficult to send it by the post office, so we did it in regular shapes and dimensions.​​
Communication for the Suxxar Store attendants about the project.

We thought about how Suxxar would communicate the new concept to the workers, and we decided to prepare them a surprise-a coffee break- Also, we wanted to give them a gift, a teaser.

They would receive a can and a " Save the Date" small card, like a gift.
Also, there was a " warning" message on the small card like: " Do not open the can until the set date on this card. When you are there, you will know what all of this is about."

They were supposed to go to the Store at the scheduled date-it was a warm event, just for the workers-, would hear about the new Project- " Suxxar Friendship" and at the end of the event, they could finally open the can.

So they could see a TShirt with the new Suxxar Friendship logo printed on it,
This T-Shirt was their new working uniform.
That's a representation of the can created to the store attendants, with a TShirt placed inside it.
This is a representation of a sales attendant from  the Suxxar Friendship store, wearing a uniform with the new logo placed on it.

Something fun about this project
For the opening night event, I wanted to get someone to produce candy fondant using elements of the new Brand Identity for Suxxar Friendship. Also, I would love to represent the Architectural elements on them.

Project approved, client satisfied, new projects came to the agency because of this one.
Whole Brand Identity project. Suxxar Friendship.

Whole Brand Identity project. Suxxar Friendship.
