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LEGO DC Supervillains Key-Art

I'm super-excited to show off the HUGE amount of work that has gone into the creation of the Key-Art, Launch Trailer and various other assets for the upcoming video-game: 'LEGO DC Supervillains'. Now that the trailer has gone live I can show you the storyboards I created for the film below; I have shown a few scenes alongside their CGI counterparts just to show how much the asset matches the boards. 
Above: Reverse Flash steals an engagement ring from an unsuspecting citizen of Metropolis. Then Poison Ivy takes a few selfies with a Police officer

Below: One of Ivy's shots and the Prison Janitor reacts to Joker's employment offer.
A reassuring presence in times of trouble: Commissioner Gordon... or is it?! 

Below are some examples of the various Key-Art compositions I worked on

Below are various options for the special edition pack.
Below are alternate poses- for use in various compositions and tryouts. 
Below are some of the options I roughed for the regular and special edition packs
LEGO DC Supervillains Key-Art


LEGO DC Supervillains Key-Art
