Jim Good (Veolia)'s profile

Bicycle Racing Tip - The Power Is in the Pedal

Formerly the executive vice president for Veolia Water North America, Jim Good now works as the president Parkview Advisors, LLC, which he founded in 2016. There, he uses his experience in the water sector to help firms develop and implement both growth and sales strategies. Aside from his profession, Jim Good enjoys bicycling and has racing experience. 

One of the most important aspects of bicycle racing is your pedal work. How your feet are positioned, when you apply pressure to the pedals, and how much power you supply with each push all play a role in your overall speed. 

You should typically keep your feet as flat as possible. Some riders have a habit of riding with their heels down and toes up, but keeping your feet flat will help you gain more control over your pedals. 

Imagining your pedal’s revolution is the face of a clock. Riding with your feet flat will enable you to start each push around the 10 o’clock position, where the average rider might wait until around the 1 o’clock spot. This extra bit of push increases efficiency by giving you more space to power through each pedal. 

Speaking of power, increase yours by focusing on the pedal’s push. Many riders instead focus on the dead spot, pulling up harder to get to the push quicker. Instead, keep your focus on the push, where your power is best put to use.
Bicycle Racing Tip - The Power Is in the Pedal

Bicycle Racing Tip - The Power Is in the Pedal
