Dakota is a 4yr Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (AML) Fighter.
IG Account: djs4dakota

”Dakota was diagnosed at 3 years old with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on Easter Sunday April 16, 2017. It all started with what we thought was a simple ear infection that turned out to be much more. 

She began to bruise easily and before we made it to her doctor appointment her nose began to bleed. She was rushed to the emergency room where it was confirmed that she had leukemia. Dakota has endured 9 months of intense chemotherapy and started long term Maintenance in December of 2017 where she will continue until June 2019. 
Dakota remains her sassy and spunky self throughout her diagnosis. She has shown so much strength and grit at her young age and is an inspiration to everyone who meets her. Some of her favorite things are her two doggies, dancing and singing along to music and going to Disney with her family. She aspires to be a veterinarian when she grows up.”