MADE with _____.

MADE with _________. is an advertising project that attempts to rebrand Orchard Road through the introduction of a DIY Culture that works in collaboration with brands found in Orchard Road. This project brief was given by FITCH Singapore, is targetted at Millennials of Singapore who claims that the Orchard Road of today lacks of uniqueness and variety of brands despite constantly going to there to pick out gifts for friends and families when occasions are round the corner. 

With the Millennials consumers in mind, MADE with _________. helps to draw in the interest of the Millennials through a special curated shopping experience all year round, kicking start during Christmas, the season of gifting.  MADE is split into 4 different phase of a customer’s purchase journey and has 3 different approaches to it.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The name MADE with _____. is also an attempt to resonate and draw consumers closer through adding on a human touch to it. MADE with _____. provides an opportunity for brands that are usually seemingly distant to feel more relatable to individuals.

Credits - Kaelyn Lim, Tang Liang Ying, Francesca Fernandez
Made With _____.