Vidushi Chenna's profile

Souvenir Print : Screen printing


Shopping is an important activity for tourists.

They look for crafts to use and display in their home.

They are attracted to timeless crafts :
- Ethnic crafts
- Folk art
- Designer crafts.

Scarves are the most common souvenirs that foreigners buy from India as we have a array of places selling a variety of scarves. 

The most important factor though, remains that they do not take up space in luggage while traveling.
So buying these small items as souvenirs solves the question of buying a souvenir and also of making it fit into your bag.
MOODBOARD - Andhra Pradesh's cultural history can be summarised under the sections of Art, Architecture, Literature, Cuisine, Clothing, Religion / Philosophy and Language.

Pastel colors

Souvenir Print : Screen printing


Souvenir Print : Screen printing

Souvenir Print - Token of remembrance of Andhra Pradesh crafts.
