This was a project for a poster competition about the future. How do I see the future as artist and to show it in a poster.

I wanted to portray that in the future the human dynamic will not change much as never did. Some will have it better than others, the rich will always trample on the poor. 
Global warming it's a issue that will have consequences in the future, at the rate that things are going in the future we won't be able to breathe pure air, plants will be scarce, water won't be available to everyone so people in certain countries as always will have to fight and struggle to survive, humankind will try to escape to another planets, there will be over population and natural disasters, the technology will be advanced and love will be ordered online. Robots are being developed right now and I believe in the future you will be able to marry a robot or not necessarily be with a real human partner.

Society is becoming more and more consuming and I think it will escalate to that level. 
Maybe is not an happy vision of the future but that is what I predict.

I submitted this work to my school and they ended up using it as promotion.
Tomorrow Land


Tomorrow Land

Illustration about the future made for poster competition
