The Star (XVII Arcana Tarot)

 Aleister Crowley.  Liber Israfel [13]

«Thou, Star of the East, that didst conduct the Magi!
Thou art The Same all-present in Heaven and in Hell!
Thou that vibratest between the Light and the Darkness!
Rising, descending! Changing ever, yet ever The Same!
The Sun is Thy Father!
Thy Mother is the Moon!
The Wind hath borne Thee in its bosom: and Earth hath ever
nourished the changeless Godhead of Thy Youth!»
The Star.  An artistic interpretation of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - Star (Tarot of Thoth)
The Star (XVII Arcana Tarot)

The Star (XVII Arcana Tarot)

An artistic interpretation of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - Star (Tarot of Thoth)
