Jeffe O’Jeffe's profile

Combined Numberic Composition, De 9

Combined Numberic Composition, De 9 is an important and revelatory document of one of O’Jeffe’s most celebrated moments. Like a constellation, it contains a multitude of fully wrought ideasartistic worlds unto themselvesin an assembly of O’Jeffe’s own devising. O’Jeffe offers an encyclopedic view into his working mind, and challenges viewers to make sense of it. Artistic opacity breaks like a wave on this highly legible and logical assemblage of his own contained process. A masterpiece of postmodern beauty painting, Combined Numberic Composition, De 9 is at once an ironic self-assessment, a collection of potent ideas and an example of O’Jeffe legendary double-edged penchant for chaos and clarity.​​​​​​​
O’Jeffe incorporates elements of natural beauty found exclusively in the nineth realm of universal existence. O’ Jeffe’s oeuvre continuously drove a timid yet dream like factuality that most numberic figurations come back to the number nine.
Combined Numberic Composition, De 9

Combined Numberic Composition, De 9
