Swine / 
Under the urban framing trends, many families grow vegetables and fruits or home planting in their houses. Environment-friendly is a big topic in our life. Many resources are always inadvertently wasted in our life, and water resources is one of the biggest issue. We accidentally waste much renewable water in our daily life when washing hands, vegetables, fruits, or rice. In fact we can use those water to water the plants and wash other things. According to the United Nations, nearly 50% of the people around the world are facing water shortages, resulting not just environmental problems, but also food shortage.

Swine looks like a piggy bank. It stores the water that people accidentally lost in daily life, and turns the water into renewable water resources. Insert Swine in the sink, therefore when washing vegetables, fruits and rice, the waste water will flow into Swine. The water it collects is also good for urban farming and home planting. Swine is easy to use and intuitive. It provides means of effective usage of water resources. Swine is not only a gadget in our everyday life, but a good tool for helping people achieving optimal utilization of resources.

在urban farming的趨勢下,許多家庭會在家中種植蔬水果或是簡單的綠化植栽。在綠化環境意識的推動下,生活中許多資源總還是在無意間被浪費,其中水資源就是最大的問題之一。日常生活中許多相對乾淨的水會在無意間流失,如洗手、洗菜和洗米等用水。其實都能再次利用於澆花、沖洗等。據聯合國統計,全球有近5成人口都面臨用水短缺,由此產生的不只是環境問題,也可能造成糧食問題。

水撲滿以豬撲滿為造型意象,幫助人們儲存日常生活中無意間流失的可再利用水資源,將水撲滿置於流理臺水槽內,人們在洗蔬果、洗米和洗碗等水源時能被水撲滿接取,而水撲滿接取到的水源並能善用於urban farming。在使用上輕鬆容易並且直覺,提供有效的再利用水資源管道的一種方式,水撲滿不但是一個能融入到生活中陪伴小物品,更是能幫助人們達到善用資源的良好生活習慣。
Statistic shows 10% of the world wild water usage is household water usage. And under household water usage, 25% of it are used to wash vegetables. Apart from using water to wash vegetables, water is also used for washing hands, rice, watering plants and so on. But most of the people don’t have the habit of recycling the water. Therefore the wastage of the water can be very significant. If we can recycle parts of the water resources bit by bit in our everyday life, we believe Swine can surely reduce a lot of water resources wastage.

問題: 據統計居家用水占全世界取水量的10%。在家庭用水方面,洗菜水比例就佔了25%,生活中還會洗手、洗米、澆花等大量用水的情況,但在現今所有的用水都是一次使用,所以當中所浪費的水量相當驚人,如果能將部分的水源再次使用,日積月累能減少大量水資源的浪費。
Our concept of Swine makes sure we can reuse available water resources wisely. Combining 2 daily activities, washing and gardening, together, Swine helps us save water resources efficiently. The globular and full shape of Swine is designed based on the appearance of a pig, showing the image that water is actually stored in the container. The unique design not only makes it easy to store water but also create the meaning of company.  

我們的概念「水撲滿」將可再次利用的水資源能確實被使用,結合清洗與園藝樂趣這兩件現在家庭日常生活中常有的活動,幫助人們有效節省水資源。 像豬一樣圓潤飽滿的造型,能給人水被確實儲存在容器中的意象,不但能讓儲水更容易達成,在使用的同時也能賦予陪伴的意義。
Product descriptions
Swine consists of three parts, water basin, colander and scoop. When the water basin is filled with water, hold the both sides to take out the water basin and you can easily grab the handle of the basin to the balcony where your plants are. The scoop is used to scoop out the amount of water you want. And it makes it easier to water the plants further.

Designer / 倪僑駿 
co-worker / 黃耀霆 丁關鈞 郭庭如 王捷



