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Interviewing Rules of Thumb by Ali Slutsky

Interviewing Rules of Thumb
Ali Slutsky originally published this on her website.

In 2015, a Pew Research poll showed that the workforce of today is nearly equally filled with Millennials, Baby Boomers and Generation X’s. This means that the personnel of most companies today are incredibly diverse in age as well as professional behaviors and expectations.

With such distinct differences between the practices of each generation, it can be difficult knowing how to prepare for an interview that may be conducted by a Millennial or a Baby Boomer. By following a few rules of interview etiquette, an interviewee can be sure that generational differences will not be a hindrance to attaining employment.

Bring Copies Of Your Resume
In every interview you obtain, you will be answering questions based on your previous work history and how those skills fit into the new position. One of the best tools for successfully selling yourself is your resume. While many companies often print out a copy of your resume for themselves, you will look very unprepared, and even unprofessional, if you show up, are asked for a copy, and have nothing to offer. Even if the company has copies of the resumes printed, showing up with your own is proof of your preparation and commitment to the company.

Do Research
As a professional adult in the 21st century, it is your responsibility to research and know the company you are applying to work within. This is one of the best ways to get a leg up over the competition. Not only does it show a “go-getter” attitude, but it also shows that you are invested in the company.

Throughout interview questions, utilize the information you have found and incorporate it into your answers. If in your research you see that the company has recently opened a new office, you could include the information in the response of a question like ‘why do you want to work with this company.’ For example, “When I had read that the company had opened a new office, I knew this could be a great opportunity for growth as a professional and within the company.”

If you have been in one interview, you have been in them all. Not really, but sort of. In nearly every interview conducted, the same type of questions are asked.
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
What is your leadership or management style?
These are just a few of the most common questions asked in interviews. Use these and other questions to prepare insightful answers, and then practice saying the answers out loud. This will allow you to clarify your thoughts, speak with conviction, and will ultimately lead a more confident interview.

Remember Body Language
Out of all of the things people forget about when it comes to interviews, this is the number one. You could have done tons of research, brought an impressive resume, and planned out answers, and still not have landed the job. Why? The way you presented yourself during the interview came off as defensive, nervous and apprehensive.

Think about body movements ahead of time, and be aware of what your posture and stance could be communicating. For example, sitting slouched with your arms crossed can make you seem uninterested and bored. Instead, try to keep your shoulders back, smile and maintain eye contact.

When it comes to interviews, there aren’t exactly any one-size fits all answers. However, showing up prepared with honest and open (and somewhat rehearsed) answers, will allow for a memorable, and successful, interview.
Interviewing Rules of Thumb by Ali Slutsky

Interviewing Rules of Thumb by Ali Slutsky

Ali Slutsky shares some tips and advice for interviewing for a job to help you land the position.
