Evan Oomen's profile

FASE 3 DISC - Nursery Rhymes - 1-2-18

Project Fase 3
'Kinderversjes uit grootmoeders tijd' 
'nursery rhymes from grandma's time' 

-Format booklet: A5 
-Amount of pages (including cover): 8 
-Turned in: Booklet

Style: Human and animal hybrids along with realistic bugs, often with lineart but still a 'watercolour' feeling with the background
Sketches + Character design
1- Hansje Pansje Kevertje 
2- Lief Klein Kleutertje 
3- Hoedje van papier
Thank you for watching!
FASE 3 DISC - Nursery Rhymes - 1-2-18

FASE 3 DISC - Nursery Rhymes - 1-2-18
