Tamás Simó's profile


Home page design for SPACED company
Spaced is a space transport service company, which provides traveling to many different planet.
Goal Settings 

SPACED goal is providing safe space travel to humans. 
The main goal of our homepage is to show and explain our service (safe space travel experience) to our potential customers, and by providing them any necessary information, convince them to choose our service by booking ticket from the website.

 ― The Message
The message should  be twofold. It should highlight the safety of the space traveling SPACED provides, but also should convey the concept of getting the ultimate experience, which should be flattering for the potential customers.


The first challenge of the website is to pass the feeling of the ultimate-experience for the users. The second challenge would be the trust-building process, in order to convince the users that the service is safe, and they will get an experience that worth the price.

 ― Target Audience

Humans between the age 25-45. 
Our users are most likely willing to travel. 
They appreciate the experience more than values. 
They would love to experience something they had never before. 
Some of them mind be interested in space technology.
Core Brand Attributes 

The main core attributes are divided on the following 4 pillar:

Customer 24-45, loves to travel, hunt for experience 
Voice Friendly(personal), professional, well experience 
Value  Modern technology, safety, customer care 
Benefit Experience, Space-traveling, good pricing range

― Priorities

Making sure, that the potential customers will truly understand what the (product) service is about, and why its good for them. Convince them, that the space traveling is safe and fast. Make them engage by booking a ticket from the website.

The two main competitors are Nasa and SpaceX. 
Because the of them does not provide these kind of services 
I could only rely on what I saw on their websites. 
They provide a lot of data and also some user stories regarding of working there.
― Moodboard​​​​​​​

I sorted out the most important keywords for the project, in order to know where to put my focus one.

― Colors

The colors was mainly inspired by Nikes Lunarstelos shoes, Virgin America, and Wizzair. Since I had a dark user interface in mind since the begining, I knew these colors gonna pop out well. The background black colors codes #121213 #141314.

I choose to build up this homepage to a dark interface for multiple purposes. 
First of all to achieve a strong dramatic look for the visuals. 
The second reason was to create a sense of intrigue and mystery. 
Another reason was to help guiding the user’s attention with minimal distractions. 
The first and most important thing about a dark interface is that it should be used with minimal text, and a few design elements.
― Fonts

I used Circular std for heading, menus and empirical data. 
Also for a better readability I used Avenir book for pharagraphs.

For the logo I prefered the logo mark, becuase of the brief explanations. 
I used Futura to make the logo with some space between the all caps letters, 
but also integrated the moving moon to the letter C.
 The Website
The full website is attached here, scroll down for explanations.

 Ticket Booking
Since, the main objective that the customers can book spaceflights, I made some screens of the booking process.

Customer support
Regarding to brief the customer support is playing a key part on the website, so I wanted to make sure that customers would get any answer, they are searching for.

The Plus Button
Plus useful information about the suit and the private spaceship.
Since I barely worked with animation before, these are just some exploration rather than good animations. Some of them are made in Photoshop, some in After effects just wanted to show how I imagine some parts of the website.

After the heading section the window part is a video that would show the traveling experience for the customers. If someone would click on the play button the screen would zoom in to the windows and the video would start.
My brother rendered out a moon for me in 3d so I put a little rotation animation for the destination section to make it a bit more interesting.
This next animation is too fast and not the smoothest, but an Idea that I would imagine the levitating astronaut on the back of the plans screen.
Final words
I haven't done anything like this in the last two years, because I focused on another field of my life and this project kinda made realize I miss it. This work is not perfect but its done. And I feel a bit proud of myself that I did it.

Thank you Dann Petty for the opportunity to participate on a challenge like this.  
I also thank my brother for the 3d rendering, which helped me a lot to achieve my vision.

Resources I used:




Some useful articles, that helped me a lot:






Spaced design challenge homepage design.
