An art piece inspired by a heartbreaking experience. After months of grieving over the heartbreak, it dawned upon me that you cannot take things for granted and treasure it while you can as nothing last for ever. The depicted scene of space represents the feeling of void in my heart, while the hands and leg motion symbolises the unwillingness to let go. The advices of my friends and family were like the chain, trying to pull me back into reality. The cyborg arms represents my cold and broken feelings, on the other hand (pun intended), the barcode signifies my identification. I do try to show my personality through the quirky pink socks. For the Phoenix, it is in hopes for me to one day rise and burn and in turn reborn into a stronger person.


An art piece inspired by a heartbreaking experience. After months of grieving over the heartbreak, it dawned upon me that you cannot take things Read More
