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How student should learn?

Motivation researcher Elke Wild: People are different in their aesthetic sensibilities. This applies to teachers, parents and students alike. Some teachers take it very seriously and insist that homework is done in a certain way. Others leave a lot of space for their students. Parents should be sparing with criticism. Due to the lack of fine motor skills, some children are light years away from being able to carry their books tiptop. And that's not necessary. A certain order, however, is basically helpful. Sure, everybody can uses services like for help, but is it for good? 
Clearly designed notebooks make working easier. Students find the places they need to check something again, for example, much faster. Those who write legibly do themselves and others a favor. The so-called sow claw, on the other hand, can often only be deciphered by the author himself with great difficulty.
Allow children autonomy
Nevertheless, parents should allow their children a degree of autonomy in terms of neatness. Comparisons with others are unfair. Crossing out a sloppy task or even tearing up the entire exercise book is an aggressive act that disregards the child's work and severely weakens his self-esteem. In addition, parents get the chance to learn why their child does their job so unkindly (are they too heavy, too light, too boring?).
Ideally, children themselves experience that it is beneficial to work properly. Sometimes parents have to help a bit ("I would like to know how you solved this task, but unfortunately I could not read your scripture"). To praise successful things is always better than to blame less good. However, criticism cannot always be avoided - but it should be relevant, never personal. Sometimes good intentions and a new beginning with a new, very nice booklet are enough. In more difficult cases, contracts can be helpful. The parents and the child formulate a realistic goal (for example, writing the o and the a for a week exactly) and an appropriate, age-appropriate reward (favorite dish, joint cinema visit).
How student should learn?

How student should learn?


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