Initial logo designs for band Bordello. The band were looking to reflect their blues/rock style and sound. 

About the band:
Formed from the grassroots of Bristol; Bordello are sure to turn heads. With their music a mixture of bluesy rock and soul, they’re taking influences from everything music has to throw at them. New to the music scene, but no strangers to the lifestyle,
The demo attached and the samples images below are for inspiration.

The design should be simple, but effective
Reflect the band’s sound
It should take reference from Arctic Monkeys AM
Clear influences from Blues and Rock n Roll
Sharp, electric vibes/ themes. 

Chosen logo design with colour options before the final edit. The band wanted to see a range of bright/electric colours and more rustic toned down options that still fit the brief and style. 
The final phase of this project has now been completed and the final logo has been given to the band for their use. The band selected the colours they wanted to use and I added a worn out effect to achieve the rugged look that the band were aiming for.
Above are the final colour options that the band chose from, overall this project was very successful and the client has been provided with a logo that they can use universally across their brand.
Bordello Band Logo

Bordello Band Logo

Logo and branding for the band Bordello
