Linda Keller's profile

Buskers of Manchester

Brad Bromley (Rapper)
My story where should I begin?  Well I started off in music when I was thirteen started perusing it more when I was fifteen when my Dad kicked me out and I  started living on the street and hostels. I carried on with my music, got involved with a lot of organisations, like brighter sound which is like an art organisation. I Got myself a couple of gigs in Germany, France and Sweden. I had a job up until the 18th of March. I was a youth development officer. That includes a lot. It’s partly managing a music venue providing new initiatives in disadvantaged areas.  So it was my job to get a certain amount of people. So if it was something for the elderly, I would set up something for them. I would go out and get my customers and make it work. I would charge them a small fee.
Chelsea Hart ( Singer)
I left Alaska June 2014 just to come to Britain. I’ve lived here for a while, I did not discover street performing until August 2014, and I went to France and met a guy and travelled around Germany for a year. I went to 30 different countries performing on the streets I came back to the UK in October 2015. I live in London now. I just recently went to Dubai.
It allows me to have the freedom to do what I want to do in my off time. I do this for an hour or two a day I get a decent wage and then I have the freedom to meet people who will progress the stuff that I want to do. It’s giving me the life that I want right now, for the life that I want later. I went exploring and I have a tattoo on my arm that says “prone to wander”. I got famous in Bosnia just from street performing.
Sam Jones (Musician)
I have just become self employed as a musician and my plan is just to go buskin’ in London. I’ll busk for like most of the summer then I want to go into teaching like kids...Autistic. I want to do a big drummer workshop for people with disadvantages. People you would not think would be able to play music…But that’s next year in winter. That’s about it I just want to make my life and the lives of the people around me better with music because that is what I am good at… I have a few qualifications; I’ve got a music tech qualification and I just got recently one for running my own business and those are just a couple of them.
                  Sarah (Dancer)
I was 4 years old when I started to dance. My mum noticed that there was movement in my body. I just kept doing it every so often to see how it looked in front of a mirror. About three weeks after, I started to make up a routine and my mum noticed it. She said, “That’s amazing! Are you going to carry on dancing?” and I said: “Yes”
Three years ago I was diagnosed with liver cancer. There was a time I did not think I could get on with my life and do the things that I love doing. So a year ago I went on to YouTube and I came across these twins from Paris They’re called “ Les Twins” I watched the way they were dancing and it was so amazing, they inspired me to carry on. 
It’s a passion that I have had since I was a child. I want to be noticed through dancing, so that’s why I practice these routines, they might not be perfect but it’s my own best. I do see a lot of people that like my dancing but not always, but I don’t care because it’s my style and the way I live is the way I dance and I breathe it, I eat it and it’s just everything
Buskers of Manchester

Buskers of Manchester


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