• happens AFTER season 2

Mike sadly sits in his seat trying to hide his emotion for his one and only was the only person not attending this jaw dropping event. Then to Mikes surprise, the heavy wooden doors creeped open, showing a beautiful, yet confused girl, shine through the door way. Her smile lit up the room and her eyes sparkled brighter than anyone could imagine. Mikes jaw hit the ground as he says quickly, but sure of himself,
 “You look beautiful”
She smiles and stares at the ground, her cheeks turning a shade of pink only Mike could see. 
“Do you want to dance?” 
He motions to the sea of people crowding around the center of the room.
“I-I don’t know how”
She looks up at him with her deep brown and friendly eyes. He laughs and says,
“I don’t really either, do you want to try?”
She nods quickly and smiles. Mike slowly and carefully reaches for her hand and she doesn’t look away. Instead they grow closer and their smiles grow wider. 
“Here, you put your hands like this.” 
He grabs both of her small hands and places them carefully on his shoulders, as he places his hands just above her waist. He looks into her warm eyes and the music becomes inaudible to them. She looks calmly at him and right now, she is not eleven. She is not the girl who was raised in a lab. Not the girl who had a buzz cut with no faith in herself being beautiful. But now, she was the girl who saved the lives of everyone, absent of their knowledge. She was beautiful and she felt it. She was I love with a sweet boy who cared deeply for her. She was happy. Soon, everyone else in the room seemed to disappear and they never for a second pulled their eyes off of each other. Mike knew she was perfect in every way, her bravery, kindness and everything else about her. He pulled her closer and closer until their lips touched, but more confidently than the cafeteria. They continue to sway like the others but their eyes never separate. El goes closer until they are hugging and she whispers softly,
“Mike, you won’t lose me”
He pulls back and smiles.
She smiles so wide you can see her perfectly straight teeth.
Each minute flutters by and the dance slowly comes to an end. 
“Are you ready to go?” 
Mike asks El as she slides into her new warm coat. She nods and they slip out of the door holding hands. As they get into the car, Mrs Wheeler smiles into the mirror.
“How was the dance you two?” 
El and Mike smile at each other and El finally speaks up.
“The best”
“Yeah, the best” 
Mike says and El giggles. The silence continues in the quiet car and darkness swallows the whole area. Else grip on Mikes hand tightens.
“El, are you ok?” 
She nods with shadows form behind her eyes.
She pears out of the window and Mike puts his arm around her.
“Don’t worry El, you closed the gate and saved everyone. The darkness can’t hurt you.”
She looks up and smiles at him.
“ I won’t let it”
The car slips quietly into the driveway and Mikes eyes never leave El. He opens the door and hops out. Then he jogs to the other side of the car to open the door for El who carefully steps out and whispers,
“Did you..”
With confusion forming on Mikes face,
“Did I What?”
“Have fun?”
She says it slowly like she was holding herself back. 
He looks at her and says,
“El, whenever or wherever I am with you I always have fun.”
She blushes toward the ground and she begins to look tired. Mike says quietly,
“We should get you inside.”
She nods through a yawn and he helps her into Hoppers house.
El asks as she slips through the door.
“I wish I could El, but Hopper wouldn’t like that very much...”
She smiles and gives him one last hug.
“See you tomorrow ok?”
Lights soon turn on in the house and through the lit up windows you can see Hopper sitting quietly at a table, but soon jump up when El slipped into the kitchen. Mike could hear murmurs inside the warm house and mike knew that El would be safe. Hopper gave her a hug and Mike smiled, he knew she would be ok.
“Goodnight El”
He whispered.

“You aren’t falling in love with this girl are you?” 
Mikes mother was never intrusive but when she wanted to know something she would find out. Mike, surprised by the question, says,
“No, of course not, gross, no...” 
she looks at him and rolls her eyes,
“Mike, it’s ok you can tell me.”
“Fine! She’s perfect, ok! I might like her... a lot. And I would do anything for her.”
Now blushing, mike knew he was falling for her.
“This girl, she’s been through a lot. A lot that not even I, understand.”
Mike nods and says quietly,
“I still worry about her”
His mother looks confused.
“Because... because she used to have these dreams, and they hurt her. I want to protect her but I feel guilty for what happened to her in the past. She still might remember what she felt, and relive it.” 
By now mike was in tears and his mom was consoling him in the driveway of their own home.
“It’s not fair! What she went through! It wasn’t her fault.”
His words became slurred and his tears fell continuously. She tried to calm him, but he truly felt that something was wrong. That El wasn’t happy. He grabbed his walkie talkie and turned on a random Chanel to communicate with El. 
“El, if your there, please say something”
No answer.
Still no answer.
“El seriously this isn’t funny”
This time there was an answer, and it was El, but she wasn’t talking to Mike. She was scared.
“No, no, no, no, no”
She was breathing heavily and seemed to not know Mike was there. 
“El! I’m coming where are you?”
She didn’t answer, instead her heavy breathing continued.
“El I’m on my way to Hoppers house, over and out”
Her heavy breathing sent a chill through Mike and made him pedal faster. His bike seemed to be holding him back. He stopped short on the empty rhode and almost flew over the handle bars. The cold air seizing his breath. Sprinting as fast as he could he turned down the street, a left, two Rights and another left. Finally, with Hoppers house in sight, Mike pushed even harder. He knocked on the door, out of breath. 
“Hi sir, um, I uh, sorry, I know it’s late, but I heard...”
seeing Mike putting his hands on his knees and breathing heavily, Hopper asked sleepily,
“Kid, what are you doing here at 12:40”
Slowly regaining a steady heart rate, Mike says,
“I know, I know. I was on the Chanel on my walkie talkie and...”
Stopping Mike he says,
“Listen, kid, if this about El... I can assure you she’s fine.”
Mike looks up at the chief.
“I heard her, she was scared, she kept saying no. Over and over.”
Hopper rolls his eyes and opens the door wide enough for Mike to stroll in. Mike looked around and knew exactly where she was.
He whispered quietly.
Mike turned the corner and into Els room.
“El are you awake?” 
He shook her shoulder and her eyes slowly and heavily opened.
Her groggy voice showed she was fine, but Mike needed more.
“El, are you ok?”
She sat up slowly and looked confused.
She spoke slowly and sleepily.
Mike, relieved sat up next to El and quietly says,
“I’m sorry to wake you, I just....”
He stops and knows it’s better to not worry her.
“Never mind it’s nothing.”
El looked at him like she had never before,
He looked down at her and she stared right back up.
“Friends don’t lie”
He bent down and kissed her forehead. She smiled up at him and Mike says, 
“Don’t worry El, everything’s fine. Tell me if you need anything”
She nods and lays her head back down. Mike smiles down at her and slides out of the door.
“Kid, I don’t think you should stay out this late. Do your parents know that your here?”
Mike, guilt stricken, avoids his glance and shakes his head no.
“See you later”
Mike turns to leave and shuffles out of the door, cautious not to wake El again. 
“Where have you been?”
Anger rising in Nancy’s voice.
“None of your business”
She folds her arms and shakes her head,
“El is fine, you know that don’t you?”
Mike nods and wipes a tear straining down his cheek. Nancy pulls him into her embrace and whispers, 
“You can go see her tomorrow.”
Mike nods and walks upstairs, each step taking longer and more energy than he wanted. Once he finally reached his room, he lays on his bed and doesn’t bother to cover himself. And just like that, sleep over took him, and he gave in.
“Mike, come in, mike, mike, mike, mike, mike”
Slowly Mikes eyes opened and he turned on his side slowly and rubbed his tired eyes.
“Mike! Come in Mike, this is important, over.”
He got to his feet and stood carefully. 
“What, What is it Will, over”
A few seconds pass.
“Mike! We have been calling you for an hour! It’s 10:30”
Mikes eyes go wide and he ran downstairs.
“Mom, dad, I have to go.”
His oblivious parents returned his glance and his mother spoke, 
“Mike, where are you off too.”
He looks around, 
“Arcade, then to Lucas’s”
His mother nods and just like that, Mike is out of the door.
“Come in guys! Come in! On my way to the arcade. Over”
The other side of the Chanel was fuzzy but Dustin finally says,
“Were you asleep Wheeler? What’s taking you so long? Over”
Mike grunts and ignores his comment.
“Over and out”
He pedals faster and faster gaining more speed until the large orange and yellow sign catch his attention. He walks inside and his friends see him.
“Where have you been?” 
Lucas, Dustin and Will all have the same look of confusion.
“Listen guys it’s nothing, I just... last night... I heard El in distress.”
They exchange looks and back to Mike.
“I went to check on her, and she was fine”.
They all roll their eyes and Lucas says, 
“You are sooo obsessed with her”
Mike, turning red, says
“I am not!”
Dustin then says,
“You totally love her don’t you!”
When Mikes non-response doesn’t surprise the other boys, they all nod. Mike then rolls his eyes.
The boys play arcade games like “dungeons and dragons” and “dig dug” all day and Mike starts to wonder about El. Is she ok? Instead, he decides to stop by Hoppers on the way home with the boys. Lucas knocks on the door, and Hopper answers.
“Hello sir”
“Hey Lucas”
“Could we talk to El?”
Hopper rolls his eyes, she doesn’t want to see anyone right now. Mike then pushes by to stand in front of Hopper. 
“Is she ok?”
“She’s fine, give the girl a break. She is just adjusting being normal. Let her.”
Mike didn’t want to wait any longer,
“Listen, please. I have a bad feeling about what’s happening in her head now. Please?”
Hopper finally gave in and let him through.
Mike enters her room quietly but she is fully awake.
With slurred words, it’s hard to understand her, but Mike could. 
“Close what El.... what?”
Mike shakes her shoulder hard but she isn’t awake.
“No, no, no”
Mike, worried, gets the other boys. Without explanation, the boys run inside to help the awake-asleep girl. Dustin try’s to wake her up but her eyes are still closed.
“Closeee it... me! Me! Me! I can’t do it!” 
“EL! If you can hear me.. say my name!!”
El squirms a bit and then falls still.
“Mike... help me.”
Mike looks helplessly at El and continues tapping her and Lucas and Dustin shaking her. Suddenly, she sits up. Her eyes wide open and her forehead in a cold sweat, her skin moist and her whole body shaking. 
Mike looks at her and gives her a hug.
“I knew something was wrong... I knew it”
El looks confused at the other boys.
“Something wrong?”
She says slowly yet precise.
“What? Do you not remember?”
She shakes her head and her body stops shaking. Dustin then speaks up but under his breath,
Lucas elbows him and Will stands awkwardly behind the both of them as Mike consoles El. Will always felt weird thinking about the Upside down, or Eleven who saved them. He avoids her eye contact, but she looks to him and says,
He looks at her strangely and says,
“Hi umm how-how are you feeling?”
She nods and frowns, looking confused by all the attention.
“Fine... really”
Mike finally looks at the boys and says, 
“I think we should go... let her sleep”.
They nod in agreement and Will leads them down the hall out the door and down the rhode on their bikes. The silence is broken by the heavy breathing of the boys but no one speaks, and they keep it that way.
Mike woke up that morning not wanting to go to school. He grunts as he sets his feet to the cold floor. Al that morning the only thing he could think about was his “girlfriends” safety. He knew something was wrong, and on top of it all.. it was Monday. On the way to school, he called Hopper. 
“Hey, Hopper. It’s Mike”
The voice on the other end sounds sad or upset,
“Hey kid, this isn’t a good time”
“Please, is she ok”
“She’s fine, just tired.”
“Ok tell her I’ll come by later”
“Fine kid, just don’t barge in like you did yesterday.”
Mike hangs up the phone and a shiver runs up his spine. He keeps his head down as he walks to class. His first class, being science with Mr. Clarke, usually catches his attention like a ball. But this time it was different, it was like learning about different types of grass to him. His mood continued on its awful path throughout the entire day and the boys could tell. 
Mike didn’t want to look up, he was only looking forward to seeing El after school. 
Dustin was trying to get his attention but Mike wanted no part of it.
Mike this time averted his attention to the small curly haired toothless boy he called his friend. But he no longer has control of his actions. Instead of answering with a common statement, he stands up and pulls his fist back. He releases the anger towards Dustin’s arm and Dustin falls blindly to the ground. Mike realizes what he has done and goes to help him up, reaching out to give Dustin a hand in getting up. But then again, instead of reaching for his hand, getting up and laughing it off, Dustin squirms backwards holding his arm. Scared. 
Mike opens his mouth to say something or even apologize but says nothing.
“Goodbye Mike”
Dustin gets up to leave and doesn’t look back. 
“Dustin, come in”
No reply.
“Dustin, come in Dustin, Dustin!”
Still no answer.
“Dustin, I’m sorry, over”
Someone picks up, but it isn’t Dustin, instead the voice is lower.
“Oh Mike”
Suddenly Mike knew who it was.
“Yeah it’s me, Mike... why were you being an ass today, over”
“I was just nervous and he ticked me off, speaking of which I have to go. See ya Lucas. Over and out.”
Mike ran downstairs after throwing his walkie talkie at the wall. He grabbed his bike and went to Hoppers house yet again to see the one person that made him happy. 
“Hi kid”
His voice his groggy.
“Hello, I uh, is El here?”
He smiles,
“I admire that you care so much about her. Poor girl. Been through so much.”
Mike looks at the ground and back up at Hopper.
“I’m really worried about her”
“I know kid, I know”
He smiles then let’s Mike inside the now cold, home. 
“El, your awake!”
El looks up and tears up at the sight of Mike, 
“Hey, hey don’t cry. I’m here for you.”
She doesn’t look up and a sob bubbles up in her throat.
“What’s wrong, El?”
She doesn’t answer and Mike wraps his arm around her.
She finally says through tears,
She says this with strange force and Mike stops automatically. His arm is shot back to his side and he is thrown through the air. Hitting the wall at full speed, Mike falls cold and El continues to sob, grabbing her knees and pulling them to her chest.
Grunting, Mike sits up in his bed with ice in a hand reaching on his forehead. 
“Guys what are you doing here?”
Mike asks quietly. Will looks at him sadly and says,
“Hopper told us what happened..I’m so sorry Mike.”
He shuts his eyes and his whole body is sore from the hit.
“Yeah sorry Mike, I didn’t mean to tick you off.... I had no idea things were so bad.”
Dustin says avoiding all contact with Mike.
“Oh no”
Says Mike as he attempts to sit up.
“What, what’s wrong?”
Asks Lucas who is still obviously confused.
“School, we have to get there on time.”
“You got sent through a wall... and your worried about school?”
Asks Dustin who has a bandage wrapped on his arm.
“Oh man, I’m so sorry.. about your arm.”
Dustin laughs, 
“Don’t worry about it”
Mike smiles and says,
“Ok, I should get up... or I’ll be here all day..”
The four of the boys laugh and help pull Mike to stand.
Once they arrive at school half an hour late, the teachers appear to have been notified of Mikes incident. They seem to stare at him as he walks by each time. 
The hours went by quickly that day and everything was going well. Best of all, Mike felt like a badass. Until, his walkie talkie was going off. 
“Hopper? I’m on my way. What’s wrong?”
“It’s El... she’s gone.”
Mike drops the walkie talkie and sprints out of the school. He doesn’t bother to get the boys, he just runs on every street.
He finally turns into Hoppers driveway and knocks on the door quickly. He answers the door with obvious worry in his eyes.
“Let’s go”
He grabs his coat and hat and jogs to the car along side Mike. They hop into the black and white car holding sirens on top. 
They search for hours and Hopper eventually says over Mikes shouting, 
“Kid! We’ll search tomorrow.”
Mike, continuing to shout her name, with tears running down his face, ignores him.
Mike continued to shout despite Hoppers yelling.
“Mike, stop”
It goes on and on until Hopper pulls over short and quick.
“Mike, listen to me, Kid”
“No! We need to find El”
Mike, now in a sob, is embraced by the chief holding him back from the window. 
“Get off of me”
“Kid stop”
“I said... get off”
Hopper, not lightening on his grip, loses hold of Mike. He jumps out of the car and runs, runs faster and faster. 
Blindly, Mike continues until he hears Hoppers voice and quickly turns around with hatred in his eyes. 
“What, here to scold me?”
“No, kid, listen, we aren’t going to find her now. I’ll go search tomorrow.”
Mikes hatred begins to show and then melts into a river a flowing sadness. Tears fall out of his eyes and the anger completely dismissing. All Mike could muster was,
“I miss her so much”
“I know, kid. Me too”
The next day at school, Mike sat in the back of the room. The teachers worry about him and at lunch he didn’t eat. The next few weeks at school go the same way. His friends most of all, acted strange. Mike wonders why but hasn’t spoken in a long time. The way he looked worried everyone, but they seemed to know exactly what was going on. Except they refused to talk to him. Mike, being the bold kid he is, never acted like this except when it was El related. He missed her so much, his friends all knew of her disappearance, but no one talked to him about it. 
One day there was a knock on the door and Mikes mother surly knew Ted was not about to get it. 
“Mike! The door!”
Mike rolled his eyes and the shadows behind his eyes grew larger. As he answered the door, the person was defiantly unexpected.
“Hey, kid”
Mike barely looked up at him.
“I just wanted to see how your doing”
Mike folded his arms and his mother peeked around the corner.
“He hasn’t spoken since”
Mike, guilt stricken, finally pairs his eyes against Hoppers. He clears his throat slowly, and says,
“I’m fine”
Hopper looks at him like he’s a toddler who got a cut, guilty but nothing they could do. 
“You look miserable Mike”
Mike says again, louder this time,
“I’m... fine”
Hopper takes a deep breath and looks to his mother who nods and mouths something. Hopper shakes his head and Mike looks up curiously.
“What, is this a show to you? Is my misery... funny to you?”
Hopper shakes his head and says nothing for a moment,
“No, kid. It’s just that.... well, you should see your friends.”
“They look scared of me”
“They aren’t I Promise”
Mike laughs,
“Yeah it normal that when they see me they walk in the other direction? That they whisper to each other and look super guilty?”
His mother sees anger in his face reaching the surface.
“Hopper I think it’s time for you to go”
He nods and steps out the door,
“Have faith, Mike”
Mike looks away avoiding his mothers glance. But to his surprise, she said nothing.
Mike hops onto his rusty bike to go to Wills house. The cold streets seem foreign to him and the tall oak trees tower over him. Mike knocks on the door and Ms Byers answers the door. 
“Mike! Im surprised to see you!”
She talks with slight, but not surprising, guilt rising in her calming voice. Mike nods and finally says, 
“Um hi, uh is, um Will here?”
She looks at him blankly for a moment and Will and the rest of the boys appear behind her. Will whispers in her ear something only the four of them could hear. Then Ms. Buyers quickly looks up at poor Mike, and says, 
“Oh Mike, it’s not a good time right now”
Mike, now more confused eyes the rest of his friends.
“Umm sure, ok... is there a problem, Ms. Byers?”
When none of them answer and exchange looks with each other, Mike steps away and says angrily,
“Ok, I get it.. Party of three? Ok, fine. See ya guys”
Then suddenly Will calls out to Mike,
“Talk to you at school, ok Mike?”
Mike rolls his eyes visibly and says,
“Yeah, whatever”
Mike strolls calmly to his bike and rides away quickly.
The door closes as Mike looks back at the small one story house, filled with secrets that were not to be shared with him. Mike thinks for a moment and finds an idea, what if he searches.. now? No one could stop him. The first place that Mike considers is the Hawkins Lab. As he pulls into the large area, guards start toward him and he walks up cooly. Each stride perfectly placed and his hands calmly resting in his pockets.
“Hiya fellas”
Mike, having never said this phrase, continues to stroll and they continue to Black his path.
“Hey kid, go home. This isn’t a place for a child.”
“I’m just looking for my friend”
“Well they aren’t here”
Mike rolls his eyes and the two guards suddenly grab both of his hands and pull them behind his back.
“Like we said, not a place for kids.”
“Let GO”
“We are just going to take you to the sheriffs office”
Mike finally gives in to the force and allows them to push him into a small car.
“Get in”
Mike decides not answering might be the best answer.
“We can’t arrest you kid, we are just escorting you off of the property.”
Mike gets into the car and watches the town fly by as they drive to a familiar place with a familiar sheriff.
Hopper stands as the doors open and the guards release him.
“What happened, kid?”
Mike doesn’t answer for a few seconds and Hopper pulls a chair up for Mike.
“Where did you go, Mike”
“To look for El”
Hopper, not surprised says, 
“Where did you look for her?”
“Hawkins Lab”
He looks up and covers his face with the palm of his hand.
“Kid, I’m going to say this one more time. Stop looking”
Mike looks up at the sheriff who he once believed in.
“Well, do you know where she is”
Mike says rolling his eyes, he thought he knew what the response was but to his disbelief, Hopper responds with,
“I found her a week ago”
Mike sits there wide eyed.
Mike remembers what happened last time when El disappeared. Hopper found her and hid her for a year. 
“This is different then last time”
“Kid, calm down”
Hopper, with sadness in his eyes says, 
“Listen, El, she’s not ok”
Mike, now worried says,
“What’s wrong then.... why didn’t you tell me...”
“We all agreed it would be better to not tell you because... if you saw her.... it would kill you”
Mike was unsure of how to react now. 
“Now that I know can I see her?”
“Not yet”
“What’s wrong with her?”
Mike remembers the things he heard her say, and do. 
“She is going crazy, Mike... she tried to kill me.... I asked her about everyone she knows and loves and she didn’t know any of them..”
Tears began to fall down Mikes face.
“Can I see her... please...”
Hopper shakes his head and decides it’s best to let her see him later.
“Let me take you home, kid”.
Mike nods and leads Hopper out to his car.
“You know, I’m going to have to tell your mother where you’ve been”
Mike looks at him and nods, guilt yanking at him. Then he speaks up,
“Hey, um, when El is ok and back to normal can I see her?”
Hopper smiles into the window and then to Mike.
“Of course you can kid... I’m sure deep down she misses you”
Mike smiles so wide he shows his teeth and it reminds Hopper of the times he shared with El. His favorite memory was in the car.
“You know.... I don’t hate. It’s pretty cool”
“Ok.... sure. Bitchin”
He remembers her sweet laugh and her warm brown eyes, the same way Mike saw them. Hoppers eyes fill with sorrow and he turns to Mike,
“Kid, look I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner”
Mike looks at him confused,
“You know, that I found El... I know it broke your heart that she was gone again”.
Mike looks out the window and frowns,
“It’s fine, I’m just glad she’s ok”
Hopper smiles and he pulls in Mikes house, where his mother is waiting by the door. She is draped in a warm coat and Ted is tight to her side. She walks up to the car and Hopper slides down the window. As soon as the car stops, Mike hops out pulling his hood up and jogging inside the house. He ignores his mother yelling after him. 
“Mike! Can you explain please!”
Mike continues into the house as the talking between the town sheriff and Mikes parents continue. He hears Hopper say,
“Listen, give the kid a break. I mean his girlfriend disappears for the second time in a year. He loves her and she loves him too, but he isn’t doing well.”
Mike looks back and his parents continue to nod as Hopper talks. Mike thought about School, and he thought he was going to be sick. 
The next week, Mikes parents were aware of Mikes issue and respected his privacy. Mike was so sick of El not feeling well and not being able to see her. He finally thought, Mike thought he might as well break into Hoppers house and visit her. After school in mid September, Mike got his bike and rode to Hoppers. He looked around at the beauty and he knows it’s wrong to break into the sheriffs house to see his adopted daughter for the first time in weeks. But he kept pedaling faster, his heart beating quickly. Mike turns finally into Hoppers cold little home and prepares himself for what he is about to witness. But how bad could it be? Eleven, the girl who he had fallen in love with before. He knocks on the door but when no one answers, he slides his hand over the cold door knob. To his surprise it opened easily. 
“El? Are you here? I missed you so much”
With no response, he hears nothing but silence. 
“El? Are you in your room?”
Mike turned down a hallway and saw her room appear, but now, he heard something behind the door. Grunting, and crying out. Both.
“El! I’m coming in!”
He slid into her room and geared up seeing her the way she was. Her arms pulled to the slides of her body, her legs tightly connected by rope onto a chair. Her head hung low until Mikes appearance. Her nose bloody with anger. Mike had never seen her this way, and he defiantly didn’t appreciate Hopper much for it. 
She didn’t flinch, even because it was Mike. 
He repeated her name again and again but she still did not flinch until she finally spoke up.
Scared, Mike wanted to help but he was afraid of her. Afraid of his own “girlfriend”.
“I will, El, of course... but you have to tell me what’s going on”.
Her eyes narrow, and her eyebrows furrow. Mike slowly walks toward his insane girl. 
Mike stops walking and sits in kneels of her.
“El... I’ve been meaning to tell you...”
Mike looks deep into her eyes, but instead of seeing the kind, amazing girl with a heart of gold, he saw darkness. El still doesn’t flinch and Mike begins to lose hope.
She looks up at him and motions with her head toward the rope connecting her to the chair. If El really is going insane, why wasn’t she using her powers? 
Mike shrugs and begins to untie the poor mind controlled girl. Finally she is free of the rope and she quickly stands with anger in her eyes. Instead of bringing her into Mikes warm embrace, she closes her eyes and Mike sees no hope. As soon as she opens her eyes, Mike begins to levitate. Her hand reaching forward, but not to help him, to cause him pain. By now Mike is scared, terrified. She could kill him, easily. 
Mike screams to her and her eyes stay razor sharp at him. Her hand begins to rise, and so does Mike.
With a slight shove of the hand Mike yet again goes flying into the back wall. Mike, grunting and flinching in pain, is almost completely unable to move.
A few minutes pass and Mike begins to gasp for air. Quietly, mike says,
She starts to open her mouth which gives Mike hope. Which quickly ends when her mouth shuts and she grows angrier. Mike begins to lose breath completely and he whispers as he starts to fade,
“El, I forgive you”
Mike squints up at her one last time and sees her lip quivering. He smiles at her as his eyes close and he quickly sees her eyes tear up. Seeing the progress and gaining hope, makes Mike push harder.
“El... if your in there....anywhere.... give a sign”
Her mouth turns to a frown and opens as tears turn into a sob. She looks like she wants to say something, she’s fighting it.
“Come on El! Push through!”
She silently continues to cry as she holds Mike to the wall.
She says quietly and conflicted. 
She starts to fade but try’s to stay strong. Time feels as if it’s standing completely still.
“Hey El”
Mike begins still almost completely unable to breathe,
“Do you remember the day I met you?”
She doesn’t flinch
“You were so strong... but scared”
Confusion fills her eyes
“In the woods?”
She stays strong and seems to gain strength, even through the tears.
“I put you in a blanket fort and all you wanted to eat was Eggos.”
Mike laughs a little but still gasping for air.
“You met all of my friends and you became part of the party...”
Tears begin to fall from Mikes eyes, reliving their story hurting him now more than ever.
“They tried to take you from me... but I wouldn’t let them”
She cries harder.
“You know the bad men..”
He pauses,
“You destroyed the monster and disappeared... for a year... almost, do you remember how many days?”
She starts to mouth a number and Mike says it with her,
“353... that’s right! See you remember”
Her eyes become lighter.
“Do you remember when you came back? When you saved us?”
Her hand starts to lower, bit by bit.
“I had never been so happy... i hugged you so tightly.. i never wanted to let you go”
He looks to her eyes, memories bursting into her mind begging to break through.
“You closed the gate and we....”
He pauses and then slowly continues,
“We went to the Snowball together...”
“I asked you to dance... and you didn’t know how... it was adorable”
She closes her eyes trying to prevent more tears from falling.
“Do you know what the problem was though?”
He closes his eyes for a moment and blushes hard,
“I never told you that I loved you”
She looks to him genuinely.
“El.... i love you so much.... I have since the day I met you... and somehow, we always find each other.... and if I lose you again.... i will never stop looking.”
El lowers her hand completely and Mike falls to the floor. He grabs his neck on his hands and knees, gasping in relief. He looks up at her and she slumps down against the door, noiseless. Her eyes completely red and blotchy with tears. Mikes story tearing her up inside. Her hands press against her face, sniffling and she feels more guilty than she had ever been. 
Mike looks up at her and she try’s to avoid his eyes. Mike crawls over to her quickly and hugs her tighter than he ever has.
“Shhh don’t say anything, it’s ok”
Mike keeps his arms wrapped tightly around the vulnerable girl. 
He turns to look at her,
“Yeah El?”
“I’m so sorry Mike”
“It’s ok, it’s ok”
Continuing to avoid his sad eyes.
“El... i meant every word...did you hear all of it?”
Mike said scratching his head and going red in the cheeks
“All of it”
El says this as she reaches over through tears and lightly touching Mikes face with her shaking fingers. She leans in close carefully and slowly until they are only an inch apart, breathing the same air. For the first time in weeks, they have never been this close. Mike pulls her closer until her lips touch his and there, behind the door of Els room, they kiss. Mike has never been happier.
El says as they separate,
“I love you too”
Mike smiles and lays against the door. El soon lays her head propped up against Mikes shoulder and they sit, together. For the first time, Mike knew, he would never leave this girl, ever.

Eleven And Mike

Eleven And Mike


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