​​​​​​​inktober 2017
Hey guys, this inktober I tried to capture different types of tribes. Creating small stories for each inktober. Hope you guys like it.
Inktober # 01_Inuit
Inktober # 02_ Native American
Inktober # 03_ Amazon uncontacted tribe
Inktober # 04_ Kind cannibal people
Inktober # 05_ TOUNGLYJUBAN tribe

In this tribe, the status of a male is decided by the length of his tongue.
Inktober # 06_ BUMCHICKAWOW tribe

A ceremony of initiation is going on and people are praising with their bum. This tribe walks with their bum and treats it as a very important part of a body. Their dance form is called TWERK and is still practiced around the world.
Inktober # 07_ KANOONKEHATH tribe

This kind of people have long hands and struggle to manage them so they approach the tailors to fold and stitch it for them.
Inktober # 08_ FARTFLIGHT tribe

This is a god of ancient Egyptian tribe who introduced the purest form of flight with natural energy and intense ​​​​​​​practice to have such control over their FART
Inktober # 09_ Long Leg Tree Dwellers tribe

These people are cousins of Mr. Bigfoot. Mr. Bigfoot never liked them because his parents always told him to look up to them.
Inktober # 10_ MISFIT tribe

This tribe is in a future time where people change their body parts to fit in the society. This is a misfit father looking at his newborn son( a pure human with no worry about being fit in the society).
Inktober # 11_ HAIRFIXIT

Reverse hair trends. Here men usually have long hair compared to woman.
ever wondered who started these trends?.
Inktober # 12_ I LIK 2 MOV IT

These people just used to do move body parts randomly to reach from one place to other. In later times they found the easiest way of movement and named it walking and all the other movements where named various dance forms that we see today.
Inktober # 13_ JOINTEYEBROWS

These guys are always happy and they are ​​​​​​​ancestors of Kochikame.
Inktober # 14 _SLEEPYHEADS 

These guys where the sleepyheads who could only sleep once in their lifespan. Once they sleep they would never be able to wake up again.
Inktober  # 15_ witchcraft

They had the power to summon animal spirits with the animal tokens they created through black magic. It is believed that some of their magic is still performed by people living among us.
Inktober # 16_DOGRULZ

Well this one is self-explanatory
Inktober # 17 _TWINEFFECT 

A whole tribe was born where each and every member looked alike. This twin effect left a golden glow in their eyes forever.
Inktober # 18_ AMOEBAMAN

These guys are still alive and living around us. They are just too small to be noticed.
Inktober # 19_ HAMPIDAMPI

These guys were the 1st people to create music bands. They created music with musical pillars from Hampi.
Inktober  2017 # HUMANS

These guys are experts in wearing a mask and pretending to be someone else. This is the weirdest of all the tribes yet. The one in which we all fit in. They just love to destroy and create things at the same time. The one tribe that never perished in time.

Hey guys, so this is the end of inktober 2017. Hope you guys enjoyed the series of weird tribes around the world.


Inktober 2017 _ A take on different tribes around the world
