My final project is called the snapchat filter. I've have always wanted to make a snapchat filter but never knew how to go about it. This project showed me the way while also allowing me to have full control over the creative design. The three places I picked is Arkham which is a fiction place in batman. The second place I used was the Arkansas State Football Stadium. The nickname of the place is the vault which is a pretty cool name so it was fun to make one for that place. The final spot is for my hometown of Little Rock Arkansas. I also used the nickname of that too.

The Arkham idea was the first thing that popped into my mind when I thought of this project. I drew a couple of things out first like the batman logo and some bats but I ultimately ended up going with just the word. This looks very clean and simple which is something that I like. The smoke affect was something I just wanted to play around with and it turned out pretty good. The bats on the back adds a eery look to it.

The Vault idea was actually given to me by one of my teammates on the football team. I thought it was a good idea so I ran with it. This one took the most time because of the drawing of the football silhouette . Getting the numbers to match up right and making sure I don't add too much to it. I started with 10 football players and ended with 3 because it was simpler.

The final one, Little Rock came because I'm from there. The mountain is because everyone climbs Pinnacle Mountain in the summer. Arkansas is the natural state so we do nature things.

This class has molded me into a better designer. Before taking this class, I knew nothing about design. I didn't even think I could be a designer but now I feel as though I can accomplish anything. There is still more I have to learn but I'm willing to grow. I learned all of my weaknesses and my strengths during this class and Ive learned what I need to work on to become a better designer. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to take this class.

Snapchat Filters

Snapchat Filters
