Capoeirasongs was my final project during my study Multimedia & Communication Technology in Antwerp. The website is a collection of traditional Brazilian song lyrics and is focused on non-Portuguese speaking visitors who want to learn these lyrics in a more easy and efficient way. Capoeirasongs was a somewhat bigger project than other websites I had built before, because I had to iterate through all the stages of building a websites myself, starting from brainstorming and sketches to a database design and the actual coding of the website.
The websites includes some cool features like dynamic translation of lyrics using the Microsoft Translator API, automatic generation of PDF-documents with the lyric and translation of a particular song, a custom search engine and the ability to record and upload your own voice so people can hear how the song goes. As I had just learned about the CodeIgniter MVC framework in class a month earlier, I decided to use a CodeIgniter installation, combined with the HTML5 Boilerplate from Paul Irish and a custom built template engine. During development I followed the progressive enhancement philosophy, using the newest technologies while still providing basic functionality for older web browsers.


Capoeirasongs was my final project during my study MCT in Antwerp. The website is a collection of traditional Brazilians song lyrics and is focus Read More


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