My First Art Teacher
I was a toddler when I fell in love with art in preschool and I have not stopped drawing and designing, since then. When I was a kid, the family TV consisted of only three channels. Four channels if I got lucky! It was a Sunday, when no other kids could play in the neighborhood and I was extremely bored. So I turned the knobs, on our family television and discovered a guy painting with a "HUGE" afro! It quickly became addictive to me. 
Bob Ross was my very first art teacher. I owe it to him for knowing the techniques, color usage and being that inspirational hero through my journey into art.
Since then, I have engaged myself into different adventures in learning new media, tools, techniques, styles, etc.

 Keep those happy little trees coming fellow Designers!

Greyscale Portrait
Double Complementary Portrait
Monochromatic Portrait
Complementary Portrait
Monochromatic Portrait
Split Complementary Portrait
Triad Portrait


We had to design a portrait of our hero, starting with the greyscale. After that we had to use our final portrait to create many different color Read More
