Between the Dorsal and the Deep, Brown Sea.
Pirate and Parrot on island background - hand-sketched and rebuilt in Illustrator for an animation I'm working on.
Disneyeque Princess - hand-sketched and rebuilt in Illustrator for an animation I'm working on.
Pirate and Parrot - hand-sketched and rebuilt in Illustrator for an animation I'm working on.
Just for fun piece based on Conan O'Brien. Hand-inked and finished in Photoshop.
Kid Kick Calendar Cover 2000 - Hand-drawn and finished in Photoshop
Wall Street - The banker has his "Yes" men build a wall between him and the rest of the nation.
New Year Cartoon 2011 - Political theme
RUMP - Cartoon Idea I had after watching this guy too much since the 80's...


This is a short collection of past and current cartooning work. The work is listed in chronological order.
