I created "The Chicken" for the Student Art Show at Piedmont Virginia Community College. I wanted to make something unique yet familiar, and I accomplished this in two ways. Firstly, it's a chicken! What is more familiar than a chicken? However, I used a flat pink background to alienate the chicken from any sort of context and give the piece an illustrative/graphic quality you wouldn't expect from something that looks like an observational painting. Secondly, I did the piece using only the Procreate app for iPad and my finger. This is an entirely digitally produced image, even though it looks like it could have been a physical painting. Because I was creating something for a gallery without specific guidelines, I went for bold aesthetics; thus the vibrant color and saturation used in the chicken as well as the background. The college later purchased a print of the image for their gallery, and it was used as a cover piece for the following year's art show. 
The Chicken

The Chicken

The Chicken is a digitally painted/drawn image using the brushes in procreate and my finger.
