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Sawdust Magazine Website

Sawdust Magazine Website
Prior to the Spring 2016 issue, Sawdust Magazine existed only in print form and as an e-edition of the print form on Issuu. There is plenty of fantastic content, so it seemed like a waste not to have a website in which stories could be easily shared on any device. The new website launched for the Spring 2016 issue, and several back issues were built. Each new issue is in print, on the website, and with an e-edition.
The purpose of the website is to share articles, so I designed the article pages with reader in mind. The platform also allowed to share photographs that did not make it to the print edition, so I used Lightbox by Lokesh Dhakar to share graphic elements.
Two design notes: I had to use the approved header for SFA's website, so I created a responsive version to match what they already used. Also, the university's primary color is purple (#5F259F), so you'll see it throughout the site.
One purpose of creating the website was to add multimedia elements like video and photo slideshows. The print edition could refer to the online version for the previously unavailable dimension.
The magazine articles also could be used as a recruiting tool. The print subscriptions mostly go to alumni, but the web version could be used to easily share with prospective students.
Readability on all devices
Considering how most people read articles on their phones (and I am one of them), I was passionate about making the copy as easy to read as possible. I always appreciate when a publication considers the body copy, especially on long features.
This screen grab of a feature on two engineering graduates illustrates the typography at 600 pixels wide.
Sawdust Magazine Website

Sawdust Magazine Website

Website for Stephen F. Austin State University's alumni magazine, Sawdust.
