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AAIA Testimonial Ad Campaign

AAIA Testimonial Ad 
The Association on American Indian Affairs needed a way to communicate to their target audience the purpose of the organization along with their brand message. The three main topics that I chose for each ad were the three main topics that AAIA are passionate about which are Education, Future Generations, and Preserving Culture and Traditions. The design goal was to create three ads that attract the audience which is geared mainly towards Native Americans but also open to anyone who are interested in helping them continue their various programs that they provide each year.
The ads in the top row was the first round of revisions where I changed the whole layout of the ads and decided to go with a background image that is plain so the images and information can stand out to make them consistent and clear. I also changed the font base on the Design Committee feedback. Base on my peer review I changed up the first ad to make it match the others in terms of and chose a different font for the body text to make it easier to read. 
There wasn't much change between these last revisions except that I moved the images and text around on the second ad to match the others. I also took of the white border around the images which made a difference in the design.
Final ad designs for the Association on American Indian Affairs 
AAIA Testimonial Ad Campaign

AAIA Testimonial Ad Campaign
