Fall Fitness Tips

Its that time of year again where the leaves change colors, the temperature cools, and families prepare for the holidays. It is also that time of year that the average person begins to put on extra pounds due to eating more and being less active. However, the weight gain is not inevitable. Here are five fall fitness tips to help you stay on top of your well-being and kick those extra pounds to the curb.

Water & Tea

During the colder months of the year, our bodies feel less thirsty. While the blazing sun is no longer a constant reminder of the need to stay hydrated, our bodies still require water to stay healthy and alert. Green tea and black tea are also great beverages for the fall season. They offer warmth during the colder days, and antioxidants to keep you healthy and active.

Bike Shopping

Bicycle manufacturers release new models every September, according to the Best Time to Buy Guide. As the new models are released, store owners slash prices on older models in hopes of getting them out of the showroom, making fall the best time to make a purchase.

Bask in the Fall Season

As the colors change and the leaves fall, seasonal activities begin. These activities offer many different ways of being active. For example, you can use that bike you just bought and go on an excursion amid fall’s colorful foliage. Include the family and burn some calories pumpkin and apple picking, as well as corn mazes and running in turkey trots.

Be Safe

As the fall season begins, daylight savings comes to an end, which means darker mornings and darker nights. The lack of sunlight shouldn’t take away from an outdoor fitness routine. Take a few precautions to keep yourself safe. For instance, wear reflective clothing, use a flashlight to illuminate the path, and avoid heavy traffic areas.

Find Balance

On top of the cold weather encouraging you to stay under the blankets, tv shows come back in full swing in the fall. Rather than getting stuck in a tv-binge routine, create a flexible regimen that keeps you active while also allowing time for television and relaxation. Try a workout DVD or Hulu Exercise TV when you need to work out, but the outside lighting or weather is unsuitable. The fall season brings lots of fresh produce to indulge in, including pumpkins, apples, sweet potatoes, figs, and winter squash. Also, try avoiding holiday candy and other treats. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Americans gain a pound during the holidays due to excessive eating. While that may seem rather small, studies show that the weight gained adds up over time, eventually leading to obesity.
Fall Fitness Tips

Fall Fitness Tips

Here are five fall fitness tips to help you stay on top of your well-being and kick those extra pounds to the curb.


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