Malea Clark-Nicholson's profile

Chalet: Type Specimen Book

Hand-cut dust jacket
Half-title page
Title page
Table of contents
Pages 1-2
Pages 3-4
Pages 5-6
Pages 7-8
Pages 9-10
Pages 11-12
Pages 13-14
Pages 15-16
Pages 17-18
Design Approach

I chose Chalet for this type specimen book not only because it's aesthetically pleasing, but also because it has an amusing history. The typeface itself is sleek, with a 70's minimalist flair, while the story behind its creation is ironic and a bit silly. In order to capture its overall essence, I designed a book that's simultaneously clean and funky. Inspired by the 1970's, I chose an androgynous sunset color scheme, set off against both stark white and textured brown paper. I alternated spreads demonstrating Chalet's visual qualities with spreads that inform the reader about aspects of Chalet's development. Throughout the book, I used elements such as flowing vertical and horizontal lines, diagonal layouts, and stair-stepping point sizes in a rainbow of colors in order to create cohesion.
Chalet: Type Specimen Book

Chalet: Type Specimen Book

Type specimen book featuring Chalet by House Industries
