James Bernaldez's profile

Collage Illustrations

I've been doing collages for these past few months on my free time. I was inspired by Pinterest posts and mydeadpony's work that I thought it was a fun thing to do and experiment on. It was challenging of course and really enjoyed myself creating these. I look forward to doing more.
Tooth Ache
Cherry Bomb 
- taken from Tyler, The Creator's 3rd Ablum Title
- Overwatch Fan Art
Full Of Hell
- inspired by the Extreme Metal band "Full of Hell"
Modern Nature
More Than Friends
Instagram: @realjimiblake
Email: jamesbernaldez01@gmail.com
Collage Illustrations


Collage Illustrations

A series of collage illustrations I did on my free time. A fun and experimental project to get way from the formality and construct of design and Read More
