Rhythmic Fusion is a brand that was created to understand the fundamental elements needed to create a business brand in the competitive marketplace. Rhythmic Fusion is an Asian Fusion Taiwanese restaurant that focuses on traditional Taiwanese cuisine and music. The main idea behind Rhythmic Fusion was to create an environment where young adults within Toronto between the ages of 16–25 would go to eat and listen to the latest pop and rap music.
The Rhythmic Fusion brand was inspired by Taiwan culture, Gary Taxalia’s contemporary illustrations, and street graffiti. The brand’s design was inspired by tradition Taiwanese masks that would be used for operas, storytelling, and festivals. Each mask is supposed to be unique in order to tell its own story. The idea for the mask created for Rhythmic Fusion brand is to show that the restaurant has a life of its own with its own story to tell. The swirls in the design of the mask are to help express the idea of two separate concepts swirling around each other, to become one object. This is the primary basis of Asian fusion cuisine. 
Gary Taxalia’s contemporary illustrations contain bright vivid colours and content that creates a youthful, but mature atmosphere within his artwork. Using this principle helped create a design that helped best relate towards the target audience. The inspiration for graffiti was used to help select a typeface that would best represent the urban feel of Toronto. Combining the following elements together helped create a brand that best displays the brand’s culture and tone of voice.
Rhythmic Fusion

Rhythmic Fusion

Rhythmic Fusion fun masks asian fusion vectors Taiwan
